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15 SEO Best Practices for good Website

seo best practices

SEO Best Practices is important for Website architecture.

Just as a building’s durability, utility, and beauty hinge on its architectural integrity, a website’s user experience, and search engine visibility depend on its digital architecture.

Structuring this correctly can be a game-changer for your SEO efforts, enhancing both visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) and user satisfaction.

Moreover, as algorithms evolve, an optimal website structure ensures longevity in rankings, even as minor updates to search engine algorithms roll out.

Why Website Architecture Is Important

How your website is structured plays a crucial role in a number of elements.

A well-structured website has clear pathways for search engine crawlers, ensuring that every page is indexed and has a chance to appear in search results.

Furthermore, proper website architecture helps distribute page authority and ranking power among pages.

Users also benefit, as a logically structured site means they can navigate with ease, reducing bounce rates.

Ultimately, this synergy between user experience and SEO boosts the site’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

The 15 Website Architecture SEO Best Practices

Embarking on optimizing your website’s architecture can feel daunting. However, by breaking it down into actionable steps, the process becomes manageable and even logical.

Below, we’ll break down 15 best practices to follow when creating your website, ensuring search engines favor your site and users can navigate it effortlessly.

Think of these practices as a checklist; while not every item might be applicable to every website, they offer a comprehensive road-map for most.

1. Start with a Solid Foundation

A website’s foundation dictates its performance and adaptability.

Choose a suitable content management system (CMS)

The right CMS serves as a launchpad for all your content and SEO endeavors.

Platforms like WordPress are popular due to their user-friendly interfaces, scalability, and vast repository of plugins.

Optimize the CMS for SEO – Themes & Plugins

While a CMS can be naturally SEO-friendly, the themes and plugins you choose can either enhance or hinder your efforts.

It’s essential to choose lightweight, optimized themes and avoid plugins that slow down your site.

Use a responsive design

As mobile searches dominate, a design that adjusts to different screen sizes ensures users get consistent experiences.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Keywords are the backbone of SEO. They signal to search engines what your content is about and help match your site to relevant search queries.

Without proper keywords, even the most valuable content might remain hidden.

Keyword research tools

Leveraging tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest can provide insights into what your target audience is searching for.

Keyword mapping and prioritization

Once you’ve gathered a list of potential keywords, SEO Best Practices is to map them to specific pages on your site and prioritize them based on search volume and relevance to your content.

3. Create a Logical Site Hierarchy

Imagine walking into a library where books are haphazardly strewn everywhere. Frustrating, right?

Similarly, a site needs a clear structure. This ensures users find what they’re looking for quickly, and search engines can crawl and index pages efficiently.

Creating a logical site hierarchy

Group related pages under broader categories, and ensure that no page is more than three clicks away from the homepage.

Include internal links

When done right, internal linking distributes page authority, keeps users engaged longer, and makes it easier for search engines to crawl related content.

4. Optimize URLs

URLs are often the first things users and search engines see. Clean and descriptive URLs give a hint about the page’s content, improving click-through rates.

Best practices for URL optimization

Avoid using special characters or long strings of numbers. Instead, use clear words separated by hyphens.

URL length and URL readability

Shorter URLs are preferable, and ensuring they’re readable enhances user trust.

Optimize URLs for Google Sitelinks

Crafting organized and structured URLs can lead to Google awarding Sitelinks, which boosts SERP visibility.

5. Optimize Page Titles and Descriptions

These elements serve as your website’s frontline sales reps on SERPs and can either entice or dissuade potential visitors.

Best practices for page title optimization

Incorporate primary keywords at the beginning and ensure it aligns with the page’s content, and clearly communicates what users will find when they click through.

Best practices for meta description optimization

While it doesn’t directly impact rankings, a compelling meta description can significantly boost click-through rates.

6. Use Header Tags Appropriately

Headers structure your content, helping search engines identify your content hierarchy.

SEO Best practices for using header tags

Ensure only one H1 tag per page, denoting the main topic, with subsequent H2s, H3s detailing sub-topics.

This logical progression improves readability, guiding readers through your content seamlessly.

7. Optimize Content for Search Engines and Users

Your content serves two masters: the search engine and the user.

Delivering high-value, readable content ensures user engagement and search engine recognition.

Techniques for optimizing content

To best optimize the content on your website, try to incorporate primary and secondary keywords naturally while maintaining good readability scores.

You’ll also want to ensure you provide valuable information on each page.

Not only does this help you rank better with Google, but it also improves your industry expertise, growing user trust!

8. Optimize Images

Images break the monotony of text, but they also have SEO value. Images need to be properly optimized to keep load times to a minimum, and should always be relevant to the content.

Best practices for image optimization

Any image you use should be compressed while maintaining its overall quality. This will help ensure they load quickly and look appealing.

You’ll also want to ensure you choose the right format, such as JPEG or  PNG.

Furthermore, you’ll want to include Alt text for the image that ideally includes your keyword. These descriptors help search engines understand image content and improve accessibility.

9. Improve Site Speed

With the modern age of technology, many people have come to expect instant results when they click through to a page, and search engines know this.

Because of this, speed has a significant impact on SERP rankings since it influences the user experience.

Techniques for improving site speed

You can improve your site speed in a few ways.

  • Minimize server response times
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Reduce redirects
  • Optimize code.

Additionally, caching and compression both significantly reduce load times, ensuring users stay engaged.

10. Implement Structured Data

This is the language of search engines, and it helps search engines understand your content’s context.

Types of structured data

Schema markup is common and includes tags for articles, reviews, products, etc.

Techniques for implementing structured data

Use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper as a guide.

11. Create a Sitemap

Sitemaps are the roadmaps for search engines. They guide search engines to all your pages.

There are two main types of sitemaps; XML & HTML. XML is for search engines, while HTML is for users.

Most CMS platforms offer plugins or tools to auto-generate sitemaps, taking the stress out of this process.

12. Use Robots.txt Appropriately

This is the guardian of your website when it comes to search engine bots. It essentially tells them which pages to ignore.

SEO Best practices for using robots.txt

Avoid blocking content you want indexed, and regularly review and update your robots.txt.

One common mistake we’ve seen time and time again is when Robot.txt is poorly used and blocks important pages or the entire site inadvertently!

Be careful of making this mistake as you implement this.

13. Use Canonical URLs

Duplicate content is an SEO sin. This is where canonical URL’s come in. They point search engines to the “original” content, avoiding penalties.

Best practices for using canonical URLs

Ensure every page has one, even if content isn’t duplicated.

To avoid duplicate content, we recommend regularly auditing your site and using 301 redirects where needed.

14. Avoid Broken Links and 404 Errors

Nothing frustrates a user like a dead-end. Broken links and 404 errors lead to poor user experiences and can impact rankings.

To avoid broken links and 404 errors, you should be regularly auditing your site for broken links.

To make it easier to identify these issues without having to take time going page to page, you can use tools like Broken Link Checker or Screaming Frog SEO Spider.

15. Monitor and Analyze Performance

What gets measured gets managed.

It’s vital to understand how changes impact SEO. This is where monitoring and analyzing performance comes in.

To do this, you can use Google Analytics and Google Search Console for insights.

However, to supercharge your understanding of your website’s performance, you can use web analytics tools that provide more detailed information regarding traffic sources, user behaviour, and conversion metrics.





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